Hi. My name is Cynthia Munhos de Aquino Sirianni.
I was the Unity Party candidate for Lieutenant Governor in 2022 as Paul Noel Fiorino's running mate, and the first woman nominated for a Statewide office by the Unity Party.
Today, I stand as a Unity Party candidate for US Representative in Colorado’s Second Congressional District.
- I support proportional representation to secure fair, inclusive multiparty representation in Congress and State legislatures.
- I agree with Cornel West that we need to declare a climate emergency.
- I support carbon taxes to reduce our ecological footprint and to aid in the transition to an environomentally sustainable economy.
- We need to use natural and safe pesticides for agriculture, and enact responsible environmental regulation to protect the commons. And We urgently need to expand recycling.
- I support an universal basic income, a universal health care system, and especially a publicly funded quality education, including child care facilities, pre-k to 12, college, and homeschooling.
- I support preservation of the ecosystem with more urban parks, and more protected lands good for hunting, fishing and recreation.
- I support federal legalization of marijuana and psychoactive mushrooms.
- Prisoners incarcerated for nonviolent drug offenses should be released.
- I support the right to a safe abortion if the choice is needed.
- I support antidiscrimination laws for gender diverse people.
- We must protect the elderly homeowner from inflated property taxes.
- I oppose foreign military aid and foreign military intervention. The legitimate purpose of the military is to defend US territory, not to project power overseas.
- Foreign military bases should be shut down.
- We must end the US government’s involvement in endless wars, and cut the destructive waste of the world’s largest military budget.
- Humanitarian foreign aid should be used to support environmentally sustainable and socially just economic development to reduce the need for economically motivated immigration.
- Access to mental health care is an essential part of a national health care system designed to promote the general welfare of ourselves and our future generations.
- A healthy and successful population is best measured by a happiness Index instead of an income index.
- Public support for the arts is essential for a healthy society. As Victor Pinchuk said, "Art, freedom, and creativity will change society faster than politics."
As a student of Kabbalah, I’ve heard: "Because kabbalists want everyone to be connected and acquire the quality of love, they care about the entire world: all the people, animals, plants, and planets. Rabbi Kook once said: “I wish the whole of humanity could be placed into a single body, so I could embrace them all.”
Contacting me
Please text questions , comments, and concerns to my direct line or email:

Security guard at work

My happiest moments are when I'm with my family. Christmas 2023. From left to right: Logan (grandson), Jennipher (daughter), Tim (son-in-law), Andreza (grandmother), Cybelle (sister), Adam (grandson), Dilson (father), moi!

Dr. Cornel West at the Unity Party of Colorado assembly, April 2024.
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